martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015

What I Ask About my Son in Parent Meetings

#education   #parents   #children   #preschool
Meetings of school our children are given about once a month and usually are informative, they give us to understand the development of our children in relation to achieving age-appropriate indicators in this case at ages between 0 and 6 years, yet their expectations go beyond parents to know what or how much has been achieved in certain time, for they themselves are able to realize a representative percentage of the achievements and difficulties of learning of their children due at the age they have and the time they spend with them, for that reason is that if we are not satisfied or do not agree with reports that give us their teachers at these meetings, which is why we give them some recommendations that allow them to conveniently ask for the progress of their children in the classroom and beyond:

1. It Request More Information Flag was Evaluated as Such Under what Circumstances your Child was Evaluated:

. If the teacher tells you that your child failed a flag in your home you observed or thinks it does, ask him for more information about it; for instance, if you claim that your child is able to understand a story because when you read any your child, this is what can still have memory and can tell who the characters are, maybe the teacher will explain that no reading comprehension only the literal level but also the inferential level of understanding where your child does not respond, for example in the story of The Tortoise and the Hare, such a question would be evaluated: what could have happened if the turtle had bothered and resentful with the hare? ; the criterion-level for example might well be also evaluated: do you think of the attitude towards the hare had turtle ?, etc.

2. If your Child does not Achieve Inquire about Indicator Activities or Games can do to Reinforce House (avoid question of tasks  in preschool as it is recommended not to use them):

 The indicator that requires permanent reinforcement and that is achieved between the ages of 5 and 6 years is the recognition handedness, for instance, recognize the right and left, as exemplified by this case, you. Could ask the teacher what activities or games could do at home to help strengthen this indicator could be that the master advises you that when you go walking down the street with your child verbalize the direction they walk, for example, let's turn to the right, we go to front and let's turn to the left, etc.

3. Ask Why and Wherefore of What is Taught:
For instance, if you think any of what is taught to your child is not profitable or at contrary is very complex, you. Has the right to ask the reason of what is taught, otherwise it is very common in pre school  that parents believe that children lose time to learn songs, but the songs learn increase their vocabulary, thus enriching their comprehension and oral expression and in turn develop their intellectual level without the child through learn singing rhythm, important not only musically but also in the reading and writing.
4. Ask what will Teach the Following Period:
It is important for you. know what indicators they will work in the next period and not only knows what and who worked, most of the meetings focused on reporting what worked but no indicators that will work, parents can ask about it and to support their children when they carry some work home or on the contrary they ask them some work.
5. Ask About the Strengths and Talents of your Child and How Empower:

Do not be satisfied with knowing what difficulties does your child in theirlearning, in school learning situations are given (through the use of sectors of learning or workshops, which are rooms adapted in the classroom or school where inter child acts according to their choice, these sectors can be science, construction, reading, art, cooking, theater, languages, etc.) where the teacher can observe and record what sectors or workshops that are best enjoyed in the that is steeper and develops better. This information could help confirm what you. Had noticed about the strengths and talents of your child or give it a new vision so that you. Can empower home or enrolling him in extracurricular workshops.

 Rosanna Sakuma Arevalo
Master in Educational Administration

Website: http: //   

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