martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

How do I Help my Child to Enhance their Science Skills?

Every child is naturally curious, this feature is closely linked with the development of their scientific skills through research, however, most parents and teachers pay them less attention. Here are some tips to help you in this:

1. Give him Materials that Help him in his Research:

• If your child is who like picking stones, leaves, paper, tops, things that catch your eye, get her a box of wood, plastic or cardboard that is easy to move from one place to another that has divisions for keep the proceeds and can observe and manipulate them as desired, this exercise not only develops its research capacity but also the mathematical logic as learn to organize their findings.
• If you child likes to collect sand, earth or make combinations with water, you can use transparent plastic packaging preference or disposable soft drink bottles.
• A notebook, pencil or crayons that allow you to draw or write down your observations, mostly in this age not written yet but already handle their own codes of writing.
• Do not miss a large magnifying glass, one centimeter, drip funnel strainer, plastic cups of different sizes that will serve to transfer elements such as sand or simply to measure or weigh quantities; a scale and possibly a microscope.
• A notebook that can serve as an album where your child can paste newspaper or news magazines that impact you as catching a giant stingray , the discovery of an asteroid, etc.

2. The Use of Words Why and What for

Are the magic words the child used to satisfy their curiosity research when do we try where possible to respond with clarity and consistency and if we do not know the answer then we must use this opportunity to bring to investigate using books, magazines or online, although we recommend as first choice and greater use of books, of course always trying to facilitate learning; For example, if your child asks about why flying a kite,  you can ask your child to close his eyes to feel the wind in his face, to tell what he felt and guide them to draw their own conclusions about the wind strength and how through it can also cause the kite to rise, can also leverage to guide you discover the characteristics of the wind, but are obvious to adults but children are not, it is important to work it because the child will be able to express and explain their knowledge base, research could also be extended to new knowledge and the importance of wind to man as its use for moving mills, navigation, etc. There are children who ask about why the elevator up and down, because the light turns on and off with the switch, etc., while others like more the kind of questions about the nature and why the sky is so great, why are there waves?, etc.

3. Take Advantage of any Opportunity of Learning:

A field trip to the beach, building a building, etc., let your child when you go to a store of electrical appliances, if possible, observe how they work and / or manipulate, to discuss them what they have to do to work, etc, Take it to visit exhibitions of science and technology.

#parents   #children    #education

1 comentario:

  1. Sadly, so many children are uninterested in STEM. I applaud these parents for putting in the extra effort to ignite their child’s interest in something as important as science. I see a young scholar in the making!
