miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

Why is it important for my Child Draw

Teachers often hear parents say that their children lose time in schools drawing, but here we present some of the reasons for the importance of drawing in the preschool age. (Picture on the right: Title: The Dinosaur Extinction; old child 5 years 5 months)

  • Is the first level of written communication of the child, ie the basis for the child to express himself through writing later.
  • It is a medium through which children can express their feelings, needs and emotions.
  • Strengthens fine motor skills and then provide writing.

How to Encourage Children Drawing

We must consider what the phases are drawing our children to help them in their development as well:

From 18 months.- wild scribbling or drawing is given, the child does not want to represent anything, just take the color and makes strong lines without some form, no coodinación eye-brain-hand. He should be providing the child with thick markers because they do not need more precision or strength to take them and the color is more visible and appealing to him encouraging him to continue scribbling, give large leaves, preferably A3 size, can be colored leaves.

From Two years.- begins to realize that his drawings are related to the movements he does and begins to conduct controlled scribbles but not showing definite forms, usually they begin with strokes, pellets, etc. You can give them preferably thick triangular crayons.

From Three years.- In this age there is already interest in representing something, a figure, a character, object, etc; usually they represent single figures, but when the child is more mature or adequate stimulation is capable of representing primitive compositions and unrecognizable even giving more advanced work. Although the drawings are not defined children are able to say this is me, this is dad with my mom on the beach, etc. We can help asking: What have you drawn, who is in your drawing, where they are, etc. Whiteboards provide for the child because it will be easier to erase and redraw the Whiteboards are for children the magical instrument that allows them to unleash their creativity. It is recommended to hang pictures in a visible place and congratulate the child for his work, if possible in the kitchen where there majolica or any other part of the house where roles in big white (flipcharts) are placed, defining a space where you can draw tempera freely and be part of the decor, are advised not allow scratch or draw on the walls or furniture in the house freely for where to go will do the same, especially at school, most likely causing discomfort, creativity should not be limited but whether to limit the principles on which it should be developed for the sake of our children.

From 4 years.- His drawings are representations more definition, we can encourage the child not only asking what drew but asking him to put a title to the drawing. It is important to take the kids to museums where paintings, photographs, drawings, sculptures, etc. are displayed, properly motivating and enabling them to appreciate what they see without trying to bring them to an established conclusion, but let them just enjoy the time and if they an observation or criticism about the observed properly without imposing pre guiding criteria like trying to interpret in a personalized way the above be it a painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.

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