"Given the diversity that characterizes or a work of art contains guidance is needed as to the multiple possibilities of analysis to his approach that will address all aspects she raises simultaneously, without affecting the character of coherently organized visual unity" the author refers Mercedes Velasquez E. Jodar*, his approach referring to the interpretation of the art works is given based on the child's psychological development which occurs in stages and is aimed at children aged 7-12 years, however, according to the interests and development of children we dare we suggest applying it to children from 4 years of successful experience gained as a classroom teacher from the ages of 4-6 years, but always respecting the methodological process of the workshop for adaptation:
Development Levels in the Plastic Work Observation:
Take for example the work of art Atardecer from Monet (top right) printing, it is important that the child spends a lower level to a higher, avoid skipping levels, here we offer some questions to ayudarána reinforce each level, you will be Allow the child first and unaided describe what you observed but not being able to stimulate questions:
1. Describe elements, objects or phenomena of limited or partial enumerative way poor characteristics (What do you see in the paintings of Monet)
Numerative fuller
2. Description without differentiating the fundamentals, ie describe everything you see but so as explained above (What do you see in the painting, how the child or the lady is, where they are, etc. ).
2. Description without differentiating the fundamentals, ie describe everything you see but so as explained above (What do you see in the painting, how the child or the lady is, where they are, etc. ).
3. Description which shows a wealth of features and highlights the key (do you think is going on, why do you think runs the wind, etc.).
4. Make comparisons and establishes relationships (Who do you think is the child who will be doing the child with the woman, etc.)
5. The child meets the above and explains aspects of the elements, or objects or observed phenomena (why will run the wind, because shadows are, how you think the title of the painting, etc.).
Other Aspects to Look at a Painting (Considering the age of 4-6 years):
1. Place where you are, time; author, for example, think the lady and child are of Peru; how they dress, why not dress like us, etc)
2. Formal elements: shape, and color areas, eg where the child is, where the woman is, how are the light or dark colors, etc.
3. Materials which is made, for example, that Monet used to do his work.
Here we propose some works that you can work with children ages 4 to 6 years: La Mona Lisa (Leonardo Da Vinci), Bodegón (Ramona Riquelde), Woman on the Terrace (Henri Matisse), etc.
* www. eumed.net/ rev/ced/20/mejv.htm Publicación vol 2, No 20, octubre 2010 El Taller de Apreciación Plástica: Una Metodología Participativa dirigida a Estimular la Interpretación del Lenguaje Plástico en Niños de 7a 12 años- Universidad Vladimir Cuba