Leaving this Christmas time, being so special, multiple intelligences, we want to help them convert these dates in a scenario very stimulating learning issues that many of us found we learn tedious but they are very important as history and geography and also reading comprehension, math, teaching principles and development of creativity, remember that in our blog in the publication How to develop creativity in my child talk about the child learns best when the learning environment is attractive and fun for him and what better atmosphere than christmas. Over Christmas we can teach our children:
World History: By telling the story of Jesus' conception and birth we are teaching world history, we can explain that there is a difference between a story and history, while a story is a fictional story, the story is a fact that indeed is the case in a certain time, we can teach you differentiate between Peru History and world History telling the birth of Jesus was a Universal event as it marked a change in the whole world and that did not occur in Peru. We can from this story stimulate interest not only listen but the pleasure and enjoyment to do with new issues such as referents aHistoria Peru, etc. You can also teach your child story asking what differences there are between the people who lived at that time to now, etc. Do not be afraid to talk about dates, because although not all children memorize it, the goal is to identify the story in a certain time and can relate historical issues with dates as he grows.
Geography: Every story is found not only in time but in a geographical space can from christmas teach our children that Jesus was born in Bethlehem is a city in the country of Israel, here we teach that a city is different a country, math work when asked why, as a city is smaller than a country, city is within a country, etc. It is advisable to be very useful, buy and paste into a wall where your child has easy access a picture of world map and a permanent markers or pasting a sticker mark the country or city you live in and dial the country or city where Jesus was born , from this you can start teaching countries, continents and even districts or cities by way of play.
Creativity: Whether the gift is wrapped and is expected to be open on the night of 24 implies that the child try to find out what it is, can give clues as riddles. Home decor at this time to help the child not only develops their creativity but their level of fantasy, an important factor for artistic creation feeds.
Principles and Values: No because it is less important what we at last but history can learn from mistakes or virtues of his characters, in this case, the best spiritual learning can get that through Jesus, who was born with the sole purpose to give his life for each of us, there comes all spiritual principle: love and respect for others, being generous sharing with a good attitude, rejoice in the good of others and above all the unconditional love of God that will help the child in the formation of self-esteem and emotional security.